Every Friday the 13th is treated like a holiday at my house. We celebrate all things Jason Voorhees and Camp Crystal Lake for obvious reasons – I love Horror and there’s nothing better than watching my dude, Jason, fucking up Camp Counselors and Campers! The goal is to watch all the movies, but I rarely make it, there’s too many, but it’s always fun to try! Today, I wanted to take a quick pit-stop and celebrate a band that we wouldn’t have if not for the F13 franchise - the Jasons!
For those of you who don’t know, there’s a Horror Pop Punk band who wear Hockey Masks, sing songs about the Friday the 13th movies, Jason and characters from the movies. Some might call this silly; I call it FUN! Of course, not all the songs are about the Friday the 13th universe, but there’s more than there aren’t. Obviously, the guys in the band don’t take themselves too seriously, so there’s a ton of humor in the lyrics. The Jasons have been around for awhile now and have released a few albums EPS and 7” s, so their musicianship and popularity has continued to grow at a rapid pace. Overall, the Jasons music is influenced by the music of the Ramones, one listen to any of their songs and you can hear it. You can also hear influences of the Misfits, The Queers and the Lillingtons.
Let’s talk about the band’s last full-length album, Blood in The Streets. As I mentioned earlier the band has grown musically and professionally, so the songwriting and recordings heard here are far superior to their earlier efforts. Title track, “Blood in the Streets” opens the album with a bang and never looks back, it’s packed with killer melodies and fist-pumping, sing-along moments. “Kay-Em 1” will scratch your 90’s Pop Punk itch. Lyrically, it's a love song about the android KM-14 from Jason X… “Kay-Em 1 is your pussy really real” says it all. HA! To me, the catchiest track on the album is “Scene Police”, the chorus is ridiculously fun and gets stuck in your head like an ear-worm that you just can’t get rid of. “It’s still Crystal Lake to me (no matter what they call it in part 6)” is another one of the bands tunes about the F13 universe and of course it’s a Pop Punk frenzy despite the title and the subject matter. How does one look at the title and think not only am I going to sing this, but I’m going to nail it, Jason V owns it from start to finish. My favorite track on the album is “Red Blooded American Punk Rock”. The riffs are reminiscent of the 80’s Metal era and the lyrical content is downright vicious. The track comes off more like a mission statement – we’re here to fuck you up, you’re going to bleed, nobody will save you and we’re going to love it! There are several more tracks on the album that’ll get you out of your seat and ready to dance or get murdered!
The Jasons have been around for ten years or so, but it feels like they’ve been around much longer – maybe it’s because of the Hockey Masks they wear, but I’m going with it’s because the band’s music is just straight up good fun! Blood In the Streets has been pressed to vinyl as well as CD. The CD is readily available via their bigcartel page, I believe the vinyl is out of stock for now. Typically, the band is good at keeping their albums in print and they’re always good about updating their fans via their social media pages. So RUN right now to their page and grab some merchandise and then join us on this Friday the 13th and let’s all celebrate our favorite Hockey Mask wearing, machete wielding, teenage murdering psychopath, Mr. Jason Voorhees!